Real-time Energy Consumption Analysis

  • Tech Stack: HTML | CSS | NodeJs | ExpressJs | Python | Pandas | Numpy | MySQL )
  • Github URL: Project Link

  • This is a web application that will help in realtime monitoring of the overall energy consumption in the campus across all the buildings with help of energy values retrieved from smart meters

  • First, data mining techniques are used to discover and summarize the electricity usage patterns hidden in the data followed by machine learning regression analysis implemented to predict future energy consumption

  • Visualizations supported enable users to refer to the realtime and historical data in the form of graphs

  • Addresses the energy consumption analysis for residential buildings as it plays an important role in the energy management and control system, as the supply and demand of energy experiences dynamic and seasonal changes

  • This prediction would assist the power sector in grasping the dynamic behavior of college electricity for supply and demand management strategies and provide a decision-making reference for the rational allocation of the power supply, which will be valuable in improving the overall power grid quality.